Join RHAK or Renew Your Membership
Click the new or renewing member tab, then select a membership tier. Pay once, annually, or monthly.
Thank you for your interest in a resident priority through the efforts of RHAK, Resident Hunters of Alaska. We pledge to work with you to secure and strengthen the resident Alaskan hunter’s rights and share of our wildlife resources. The long-overdue changes will take much work in Juneau, and for that we need you.
In light of that, the membership tier is of your own choosing. RHAK's resourcing comes entirely from its membership of Alaskan residents, and we need members participating at every level. The most valuable component of your participation is as a constituent of our state's democratic process. Being a purely resident organization, and backed by the clear intent of our constitution, RHAK will prevail on issues that are decided in Juneau and in our courts.

Depending on which membership tier you select, you will receive a RHAK unisex hoodie and long-sleeved tee in your size and a RHAK twill or mesh cap in your color.
So please take a moment and think about if you’d like to see an emphasis on resident hunting priority for you and your kids, estimate what you spend for hunting trips each year for a little perspective, and come up with a number to suit yourself.
Support RHAK but can’t afford to join? Email we'll keep you informed.
To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, contact RHAK Executive Director Mark Richards
at (907) 371-7436 or